Sunday, May 22, 2016

Weekly Warriors - Everyday is a T1D Day

Recently I read a Pinterest article advising how to manage a clean home.  Days of the week were provided with clear cut tasks designed to maximize effectiveness of maintaining perfection.  

The article made me laugh.  As a mom within a busy household, there is not an exact science to managing T1d.  

Each day brings out our inner 'MacGyver' as we fly by the seat of our pants in a world that can be unpredictable, weird and even scary at times.  

So tongue in cheek...  Here is my Betty Crocker look at T1D - Pinterest Style. 

On Sundays, I secretly change lancets. 

On Mondays, I use my ninja skills to add extra fruit snacks to their purses, so as not to be yelled at for invading their privacy.  

On Tuesdays, I make sure we have enough juice to power a NFL team to a winning Super Bowl.  

On Wednesdays, I sift through the endless paperwork and make sure we aren't missing homework, appointments or projects so I can write apology notes for being absent-minded after sleeping only four hours over three days. 

On Thursdays, I restock the kitchen drawer and add in a vial of Motrin for my migraine and a bottle of Tums for the over-stressed Naturally Sweet dad. 

On Fridays, I prep for weekend sports by creating a careful balance of sugar, protein and foods that may actually be eaten with less of a frown when one goes  'low' and needs to stop playing. 

On Saturdays, I download numbers and check for adjustments.  I also enjoy a cocktail. 😍

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