Her fingers looked a bit sore this week.
It's probably the nice, dry, hot air blasting from our furnace. This is an issue that tends to happen every single winter. I deal with it by trying to dip the kids in lotion and have even asked them to use vaseline on their hands to help seal in a bit of extra moisture.
Mostly, it works. However, once we hit February, I am at a loss.
It is time for spring to come back. Time for a bit more moisture in our air. Time for these little fingers to look less chapped and poked.
Beside booking a plane to the next tropical destination available, does anyone have ideas to share?
I need to begin this with a caveat that I am not saying this because I sell it, but I sell it because it works (make sense?). Christina has bad dry skin in the winter and I use the Mary Kay Satin Hands treatment - the full treatment once a week (works great on your feet), hand cream as needed during the week. I have fragrance free, vanilla, and peach and also have purse sized creams as well. There is also a thicker, stronger cream - Extra Emollient Night Cream (it does have a bit of a scent, though, if that matters). The lady at the Ceramic Studio in Howell uses it because the kiln is really drying. She puts it on when she is leaving work and it has taken care of the problem by the time she gets home. If you want any, let me know - it's 100% money back guaranteed if you don't find it does the trick. Honestly, the Satin Hands is the only thing that I have found for Christina that doesn't irritate her hands so I'd seek it out even if I didn't sell it (began selling it primarily for this product and the Timewise Skin Care, though). I tried Eucerin which is supposed to be non-irritating (didn't work and makes her hands sting). Let me know if you want to try some - I have samples, too.
My only fear is if there is anything in it that made BG rise from a finger poke. Can't wash hands in the middle of the night:) Maybe a sample first and a couple of night checks to see how it is going?
We affectionately call this February Disease. For tender knuckles and wrists, our doc recommended wetting hands, then applying vaseline and socks over hands at bedtime. Doesn't help with bg checks, but a couple nights of this as-needed can do the trick. Best of luck!
I don't think that there is anything that would cause a problem with the Fragrance Free, but you never know. I think trying some samples for a few days would be best to check it out. I'll message you tomorrow afternoon to see if you're home and drop some by. Hope I can help! BTW, it works great on rough, dry feet, too.
February disease is spot on! Seems better but only because I have started relentlessly poking pinky, the finger that never gets pokes. Girls are not happy but have to make allowances for the healing.
We deal with this from about November to almost mid April here. We have found that aloe vera and vitamin e oil work well. I try to alternate the hands that I put it on for night time checks. That way I know it doesn't mess with BG's but it still gives some healing time.
We rent but the owners have a humidifier attached to the furnace. Extreme idea but should help. :)
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