Friday, December 7, 2012

Elf on A Shelf - Magic

I am a big fan of making childhood magical. 

And by magical, I mean spending time with your child(ren) and looking at the world through their eyes while letting your inner kid self come out in lots of silly ways.

Kids first, diabetes second.  ALWAYS!

Christmas could have been tricky for our family... both girls were diagnosed during this month - next week actually.  Even that first year of diagnosis with our long hospital stay, as hard as it was, I always kept up with the magic.  

The interesting part?  I think by doing so, it 'magically' helped our entire family to heal.

So for fun, here is our first try at a having an Elf on A Shelf.   Our elf is named Cookie and he appears to be a rather interesting fellow that has an out of control sweet-tooth (yes, the irony of carb counting does not escape me).

Now, I know you are thinking... one more thing to deal with?  This lady is crazy!

But for our kids, even at age 9 and 11, this had been a fun new game of imagination and surprise.  It literally takes seconds, has almost zero financial impact and is completely diabetes-free.  Cookie doesn't care about diabetes or shots or pokes or blood sugar numbers or anything unpleasant.  He is simply a special little friend with an impressively direct link to Santa and he LOVES to make children happy.

Which really, is a breath of fresh air and a great way to bring in just a little bit more magic and a nice interpretation of Kids First, Diabetes Second during the holidays.

I hope you enjoy and if you have been having a hard time during the holidays while living with type 1 diabetes, see this as a little magical inspiration for your family too. 

And don't forget to make that gingerbread house too.... you can read all about it from last year's 2011 Naturally Sweet Sisters post here. 

Naturally Sweet Sisters Presents Cookie the Elf  PHOTOS

Cookie with his own elfin sized donut breakfast.

Cookie as the star of the family picture wall.

Cookie making his own sugar angel.

Cookie taking Barbie on a first - date.  Not sure if she will call him?

Cookie explaining the story of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to the feeble minded Squinkies.

Cookie driving his Choo-Shoe train.

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